Every Farmer Counts: National Farm Safety and Health Week

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, agriculture is the most dangerous of any industry sector in America.

574 fatalities were reported in 2018, which equals 23.4 deaths per 100,000 workers. Farmers, ranchers, and foresters incorporate physically and mentally demanding and potentially dangerous tasks into their jobs daily. These tasks often involve long hours and are performed in high-risk settings.

Mississippi Ag Commissioner Andy Gipson has recognized this week, September 20th through 26th, as Farm Safety and Health Week in Mississippi.

National Farm Safety and Health Week was established to recognize the importance of the health and safety of American farmers, ranchers, and foresters. The theme for 2020 is “Every Farmer Counts.”

“As Mississippi’s number one industry, agriculture plays a significant role in our communities. National Farm Safety and Health Week is a great promotion that raises awareness of the risks and potential dangers that farmers, ranchers, and foresters face daily as they work hard to provide the essentials that sustain our citizens across the state and the world,” said Commissioner Gipson. “We want to take this opportunity to encourage safe farm practices and prioritize the safety and health of our agriculture workers.”

Click here to view informative webinars provided by The National Education Center for Agricultural Safety.

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