Let your voice be heard, make sure you are registered to vote

September is voter registration month and in Mississippi, you have to be registered to vote in the upcoming election by October 5th.

This year, the general election takes place on Tuesday, November 3rd with polls open from 7AM to 7 PM.  All voters are expected to vote in person unless you have requested to vote absentee.

If you are unsure if you are registered to vote, you can click here to check your status.

On the ballot for Mississippi this year, you will be voting for a presidential candidate, US Senators, US House of Representatives, along with others.

For a sample ballot, click here.

Those who request to vote absentee will need to check with their local Circuit Court Clerk’s office to get a ballot.

  • According to the Mississippi Secretary of State’s office, these are the following categories that would allow someone to vote absentee under the state law:
    • Any person who is temporarily residing outside of their county of residence, and the ballot must be mailed to an address outside the county.
    • Any person who has a temporary or permanent physical disability and who, because of such disability,
      is unable to vote in person without substantial hardship to himself, herself or others, or whose attendance at the voting place could reasonably cause danger to himself, herself or others. For purposes of this paragraph (d), “temporary physical disability” shall include any qualified elector who is under a physician- imposed quarantine due to COVID-19 during the year 2020 or is caring for a dependent who is under a physician-imposed quarantine due to COVID-19 beginning with the effective date of this act and the same being repealed on December 31, 2020.
    • The parent, spouse or dependent of a person with a temporary or permanent physical disability who is hospitalized outside of his or her county of residence or more than fifty (50) miles distant from his or her residence, if the parent, spouse or dependent will be with such person on election day. For purposes
      of this paragraph (c), “temporary physical disability” shall include any qualified elector who is under a physician-imposed quarantine due to COVID-19 during the year 2020 or is caring for a dependent who is under a physician-imposed quarantine due to COVID-19.
    • Any person who is sixty-five (65) years of age or older.


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