Multiple county officials switch to GOP

Governor Tate Reeves, Congressman Michael Guest, and Mississippi Republican Party Chairman Lucien Smith welcomed multiple elected officials from Covington and Smith Counties and surrounding areas to the Mississippi Republican Party.

Officials joining the Mississippi Republican Party include:

·     Matt Sullivan, District Attorney for the Thirteenth Circuit Court District (Covington, Jasper, Simpson, and Smith Counties)

Covington County

·     Guy Easterling, Chancery Clerk 

·     Bobby Wayne Mooney, Justice Court Judge for the Northern District of Covington County (unable to attend news conference)

Smith County

·     Cindy Austin, Chancery Clerk

·     Anthony Grayson, Circuit Clerk

·     Mary Lou Powell, Tax Assessor-Collector

·     Danny Arender, Beat 4 Supervisor

·     Hulon West, Justice Court Judge for the Southern District of Smith County


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