Wicker, Hyde-Smith to serve on Presidents economic recovery task force

As conversations regarding the re-opening of the American economy ramp up, Mississippis Senators will serve on President Trumps Opening Up America Again Congressional Group.

Senators Roger Wicker & Cindy Hyde-Smith will each serve on the task force, which will focus on providing advice and counsel to the President on actions needed to safely open and restart the economy following the COVID-19 pandemic.

I am grateful for the opportunity to advise the President on policies to get Americans back to work, Wicker said. President Trumps bold actions to slow the spread of the coronavirus are working and have saved countless lives. Now we need to plan how to re-open the economy without sacrificing the hard-fought gains we have made against the virus. I look forward to working toward this important goal with my colleagues on the task force. – Senator Wicker

I appreciate President Trumps determination to safely open and restart the American economy. His decision to seek input from congressional leaders, health experts, business and other professionals indicates an understanding of the complexities of getting people safely back to work, school, and church. I am grateful for this opportunity to be of service to the nation and to Mississippians, who are sacrificing so much now to overcome the coronavirus pandemic.Senator Hyde-Smith

A news release from the White House further defines the goal of the task force.

The dialogue between the President, senior Administration officials, and the bipartisan group of Members of Congress also included a range of topics, namely the need for additional funding for the Paycheck Protection Program, the international and domestic supply chains, ways to energize the economy, surprise medical billing, clarifying the difference between essential and non-essential workers, mental health, and relief for small businesses.

Wicker and Hyde-Smith are among 65 Senators and 32 members of the House of Representatives asked to serve on the bicameral, bipartisan congressional group.

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